Town Highlights – OLD

Covid-19 vaccination Information:  GO Health Pfizer Vaccine Clinics 032521_FINAL

Notice:  Solar law notice of public hearing          Solar Law Public Hearing YouTube link:

Proposed Solar Law 2021

Wind Ordinance – Local Law Number 1 of 2021
Completed Wind Law Hearing with Comments

For information of the County Hazard Mitigation Plan go to

Genesee County /Orleans County Health Department has obtained a HUD grant to help control lead hazards in homes in Genesee and Orleans county.  This is open to home owners and landlords, income requirements must be met and there needs to be a child under the age of 6 living or visiting the home regularly. There need to be lead hazards present, we would handle that investigation. Please see attached flyer .home owner-fly

December 4th public hearing on the proposed wind law YouTube link:

Zone changes of extension of General Business District and Residential 1 District to Agriculture/Residential District.  Zoning changed map

Please be aware that there will be a winter raptor study for the Orleans Solar project.  You may see a vehicle parked on the side of roads in the western part of Barre or the Town of Shelby.

Assessor’s Report 11.2020.

COVID Guidelines Orleans Midget League2

A new map is out for the proposed expansion for Spectrum.  Please note that this is not a final map as things are always changing. Town of Barre Cable map

For the most updated information on opening Orleans County and New York State please click:

Barre Final Roll 2020

 2020 Barre Tent Roll notice         Barre Tentative Assessment Roll 2020

Heritage Wind’s 94c application has been received at the Town Hall.  Anyone wishing to look at it must call the Town Hall and make an appointment.

Immediate Release Message Lynne M. Johnson

FYI:  County of Orleans Department of Mental Health

Heritage Wind Notice of Submission of Application

Information on bail reform Bail Reform

V & T Section 1219 addresses the issue of placing obstructions onto a highway V & T Section 1219

Solar Law 2019

We still have Bicentennial t-shirts available for $10.00.  We also still have historical books available for $10.00.  Please see the Town Clerk during normal business hours to make your purchase.

“Know your Facts USA” is recording our Town Board meetings as well as informational gatherings and providing the recordings to the town.  For those town residents that are unable to attend a meeting and wish to be informed please click on the link shown here:

– For those desiring genealogical information, please contact Hollis Canham of the County Genealogical Society. The Town Historian does not have such information.