Colonel Elisha Wright, son of a Revolutionary War veteran, was born in Sharon, Connecticut, 15 October 1791. When he was ten years old, his family moved to Connecticut County, settling near Canandaigua. In the spring of 1818 young Elisha struck out alone through the woods, axe in hand andwalked the weary miles to Batavia; here he secured from the Holland Land Company a large section of land in the area now called West Barre.

The beautiful old colonial house built in 1931 stands today a memorial to the courage, energy and vision of its builder, Elisha Wright. This distinguished white frame house on a stone foundation has a square main section, to which was added an ell on the west. The main part has heavy corner posts, pilasters, and heavy cornices. Over the ell is a small belfry. A bell in this belfry called children to classes where school was in session in the room below. The present owner is Mr. Jonathan Trembley.