Entries by BarreUser


Comprehensive Plan Public Informational Meeting & Public Hearing

The Town of Barre Comprehensive Plan Committee will hold a public informational meeting and public hearing on the draft Town of Barre Comprehensive Plan Update on Monday, November 18, 2024. Informational presentations summarizing the Plan’s recommendations will be held at 6:00 and 7:00 pm. The formal public hearing will begin at 6:30 pm. The draft […]

Orleans County will celebrate its 200th Anniversary on APRIL 15, 2025!

A county-wide committee has been formed to plan a yearlong series of events to celebrate this milestone event. Ideas already in discussion include, but are not limited to: – Committee participation in parades throughout the year – Plant 200 trees – Create a Bicentennial quilt – A Public Art project featuring life size fiberglass oxen […]

Ambulance bid opening

A meeting will be held on Monday, July 22, 2024, at 5 PM at the Albion Town Hall to open the bids received for the ambulance service. Each bid will be read aloud along with any accompanying comments. Please note that no decisions will be made during this meeting.


(Pursuant to Section 506 of the Real Tax Law) Notice is hereby given that the assessor has completed the TENTATIVE Assessment Roll for the Town of Barre in the County of Orleans for the Town of Barre in the County of Orleans for the year 2024. The roll is on file and may be seen […]